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Young Adult Group/Organization

Basic Information:


Evangelium is the Latin term for "Gospel" or "Good News," and Evangelium exists precisely for its namesake: to win young hearts by the incomparable, merciful, divinizing love of Jesus Christ. We hope to be co-travelers on the via caritatis that is Jesus Christ, centering our community around love of God and neighbor (Matt 22:36-40). We therefore aim to form missionary disciples whose love delights in the truth, glorifies God with joyful reverence, bears fruit worthy of repentance, and proclaims Good News to all peoples (1 Cor 13:6; Matt 3:8; Matt 28:16-20). More plainly, our primary mission is to convert young adults at Boston College to the Way that is Christ, Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

We believe that evangelization is incomplete apart from truth, thanksgiving, and justice. Evangelium therefore offers resources for ongoing formation in the form of lectures and spiritual workshops, fellowship through eucharistic adoration and praise-and-worship nights, corporal works of mercy on behalf of the homeless and unborn, and FOCUS-styled evangelization. We also collaborate with the Archdiocese and other Catholic groups across Boston to cultivate a city-wide community of believers.

We are happily Catholic and wish to attract people to salvation in Christ through the Church. In no way, however, does this diminish our desire for interdenominational encounter. We enthusiastically invite the participation and collaboration of our non-Catholic brothers and sisters.

Meeting Times:

We meet very frequently. You can see our calendar on the homepage of our website:

Regular Meeting Place Location:

9 Lake Street



Group Leader:

Hayden Cowart


College (Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry)

Boston MA

Contact Information:

E-mail Address:


Facebook Page:

Facebook Group:




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